Prayer in the ​
Prayers for Daily Issues
This normally is a private prayer over a public situation. Things we deal with on a daily basis.
Kids, Husband, Wife, Job, Money, Health, etc. What ever your situation is. Normally not many people know that we are having a problem in these areas.
Prayer covers all things and their is nothing you cant take to God in prayer. So let us Pray
Dear Lord,
Knowing that you are a strong deliverer and have already over come all things. Thanking you for hearing our cry. The things of this life can seem overwhelming because we do not always completely trust you with all the areas of our lives. But today we give all faucet of our lives to you. We submit all of our areas to you giving you full control of everything. You are a God of Provision and we are your children for whom you provide and we are thankful.
Lord, You are a covering for (Add your names and situations here) my children, parents, (Husband/Wife) Spouse, Love ones, friends, associates, and everyone connected to us in any fashion or form. We need you and thank you for being apart of us and a part of our lives.
Thank you for this life changing moment with you. For you Equalize all things. Move tempers, Hostility, Heart issues of where we need to give it all to you. Let your anointing sweep though and correct all situations that we have need of fixing even those we don't know need fixing. In us and those around us. Let your word be true and everything else be a lie. And reign dear Lord over all. We need you.
We thank you for Placing order in our lives and fixing it as only you can. We love you and thank you and lift your name and give you all the praise.
In Christ Jesus Name we Pray,