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Family Prayers 


We should always go to God interceding on the behalf of our family. Even the word of God says Pray for one another. We face so many obstacles on a regular basis and we live in a world of the seemingly unknown. So we should always keep our family prayed up. Its does not matter if they are blood family or family by title only. We have family in God and natural family. But the point is family is family no matter the relation. So here are a few prayers to cover the family and family situations.  


Father God.


We come before you praising you for your goodness, your love and your mercy. Acknowledging you as the true and almighty God through the name of Jesus Christ. In you all things are possible. And according to your word you perform above and beyond that which we are able to conceive in our own minds. You have no limits and we will not place any limits on you.We thank you so much for saving us and the gift of salvation.


We speak life to our family. We bind and break generational curses that are strong holds that come to destroy the family. The Devil has no  Hold over us. We will stand on your word together and trust you together for all things. Lord, Lead us into your perfect will. We don't even want your permissive will for us. But your perfect will is what we desire to have you bestow upon us. (Add your desires for the blessings of God for your family here)


Bless our home and all our lands and everywhere our feet so tread. We decree a hedge of protection around us and with out your permission NOTHING can cross. For these place are Holy Ground claimed in the name of Jesus. We are blessed.


Lord we thank you for that as many that can be saved among us will be saved and we all will have a place in your kingdom and around your thrown. We thank you for keeping and guiding us. We thank you for you sacrifice of love on the cross at Calvary. We thank you for your amazing grace and how you extend it to us at all times even if we feel undeserving. We just thank you.


We lift you. Honor you and worship you for all things great and small.(Any Jehovaha or El names that cover your situation add here if you wish)


In you Sons name Jesus Christ we Pray,




Our prayer for your family from "the book of common prayer,"


Ever living God, whose will it is that all should come to you
through your Son Jesus Christ: Inspire our witness to him,
that all may know the power of his forgiveness and the hope

of his resurrection; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy

Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen



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