Prayer in the ​
Devotional Prayer
This is personal time with God. Time that we devote alone to the heavenly father. Time spent in worship. Private praise given to God from the heart. What I like to coin "Daddy/Me time" or more appropriately "Father Son/Daughter time".
Giving thanks to you my Heavenly father. Blessing you and lifting your name that is above all names. I thank you that you have chosen me out for so precious a gift as salvation through the blood of the lamb slain before the foundation of the world.
I just want to take some personal private time just to say I love you. I open my heart to you because I am unable to express just what I feel toward and for you in words. But for what I can express to you I say you alone are God. I bow myself before you in humble submission. Offering myself to your uses and your will. Dedicating myself to your devine purpose and plan. Willing to be used of you. My answer to you is and always will be yes and amen. Loving the beauty of you. Blessing your name for peace that passes all understanding.
I am on my spiritual knees before and some days physical knees in submission. I am before you allowing you to change me. I cant do anything or make any changes without you. We reverence you most holy one. We worship you lamb on the thrown. Holy Holy lord you are holy and worthy. Honor and all power is yours. Yes to your will and yes to your ways. You are the great I am. Jesus our Lord above all great and small.
Spirit of the living God fall fresh that I might worship in spirit and truth. I welcome you into my heart and life. Holy Spirit of the living God fall fresh on my surroundings, fall down on me and my house and all connected to us. Yes oh God fall on me. Holy Spirit abide that I my service God. I Love you with all that I have within me. Falling before you in total devotion.
(Place you individual devotions to God here in your words)
(Here add scriptures for the word of God that cover your devotion and how you feel about God. His promise etc.)
I cant express what you mean to me. I am bonded to you. I adore you. I declare victory in you. Strong and might. Nothing in my own strength and covered by your blood. In the name of Jesus every knee shall bow. Nothing formed against us shall over come us by your blood and in you victory is ours.
(Place your own heart felt worship here)
(How ever long or short from your heart to the heart of God he will hear you and except you as long as you come from the heart)
We thank you for all things. In the Name Of Christ Jesus we pray.
Our prayer for you (The book of Common Prayer)
For Joy in God's Creation
O heavenly Father, who hast filled the world with beauty:
Open our eyes to behold thy gracious hand in all thy works;
that, rejoicing in thy whole creation, we may learn to serve
thee with gladness; for the sake of him through whom all
things were made, thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord.